Welcome to Meaning of Dreams, our aim is to help people understand their dreams through the use of our dream dictionary and our many articles on dreaming and sleeping.
We encourage everyone to participate in the dreaming forums where they can discuss all types of dreams with other people. People can also use the dreaming forums to suggest new pages if they can’t find an answer to what they’re looking for on Meaning of Dreams.
Bad Dreams
Many people visit Meaning of Dreams because sometimes they are left feeling confused or disturbed, so finding out what their dreams can mean by searching the thousands of dreams articles and dream dictionary entries on Meaning of Dreams can really help, especially if they’ve been having nightmares! Always remember this though, in most cases people find that the underlying message in their nightmares is not as unsettling as they originally thought.
Dream Sharing
For people who don’t have time to dig through all our dream material or prefer to share thoughts with real people, there is the dreaming forums where people enjoy discussing their dreams and helping others figure out what they mean, as well as meeting like-minded dreamers.
Dream Interpretation
With a little knowledge and help, all of which is available here, many people find that figuring out what their dreams mean becomes second nature and a very useful tool for enabling them to find guidance in waking life.
The writers of Meaning of Dreams, Jonathan and Marcia Malory, have studied the works of Freud, Jung, Perls and Adler and continue to follow modern scientific research in the field of dreaming, undertaken by scientists like J. Allan Hobson, Robert McCarley, Calvin Hall, Robert van de Castle, David Foulkes, Mark Solms and Antti Revonsuo, as well as the latest research published by the International Association for the Study of DreamsInternational Association for the Study of Dreams, of which Meaning of Dreams is a member.
Meaning of Dreams References
To show readers we are genuine and don’t just make stuff up, here are some of the books and journals we reference to provide people with the information here on Meaning of Dreams.
Books Referenced by Meaning of Dreams
Dreams and Destinies, by Beryl Beare
A Concise Guide to Dreams, by Philip Clucas and Douglas Clucas
The Dictionary of Dreams and Their Meanings, by Richard Craze
Dreaming: A Cognitive-Psychological Analysis, by David Foulkes
The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud
Dreams and What they Mean, by Judith Millidge
The Neuropsychology of Dreams: A Clinico-Anatomical Study, by Mark Solms
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice: Skills, Strategies and Techniques, by John Sommers-Flanagan and Rita Sommers-Flanagan
Journals Referenced by Meaning of Dreams
Meaning of Dreams uses many articles from scientific journals to provide you with information on the more scientific and technical aspects of sleep and dreaming. Below is just a small sample of the journals we use. For a full list of journals and articles, please see our References page.)
American Journal of Psychiatry
Brain: A Journal of Neurology
British Medical Journal
Dreaming (Journal for the International Association of the Study of Dreams)
International Journal of Dream Research
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Sleep Research
New England Journal of Medicine